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Upgrade fare

Upgrade your fare to SunClassic or SunPremium and benefit from more included Extras

With our SunFares, we offer you tailored services. If you have already booked your flight and subsequently decide to benefit from additional included Extras, then you can easily upgrade your fare for an affordable price up to 36 hours before departure.


Do you need further information about our SunFares? 

View details about our fares


Compare our fares and find the perfect upgrade for you:

International flights: upgrade from 21,99 € for SunClassic and from 59,99 € for SunPremium

Domestic flights: Upgrade from 299,99 ₺ for SunClassic and from 499,99 ₺ for SunPremium

Book your upgrade now

1Route group 1: All international flights, except flights to/from Antalya, Bodrum, Dalaman & flights between Izmir/Trabzon and Ercan, Beirut, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Kuwait and Bahrain.
2Route group 2: International flights - to/from Antalya, Bodrum, Dalaman & flights between Izmir/Trabzon and Ercan, Beirut, Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Kuwait and Bahrain.
3Prices per flight route (outbound or return flight), including connecting flights
4Prices per segment of a flight route with a connecting flight e.g.: FRA-ADB-AYT (Segment 1: FRA-ADB & Segment 2: ADB-AYT)
5The SunFlex option is not available for passengers whose flights have been booked by a Tour Operator.

✔  Included


New SunFares valid from Summer 2025

These new fares will be available for all departures from March 30th, 2025 onwards, perfect for your Summer 2025 plans. To learn more about our new SunFares, click here.

For flights departing before March 30th, 2025, our current SunFares remain available for booking and all services will be delivered as promised.

If you have an existing booking for an international flight on and after March 30th, 2025 and made your reservation before October 23rd, your booking will remain unchanged. Likewise, if you have an existing booking for an domestic flight on and after March 30th, 2025 and made your reservation before 3 December, the reservation will remain unchanged. We will ensure that all the services you were promised, including onboard meals, will be provided on your flight.

Compare our NEW SunFares:

International flights: Upgrade from 8,00 € for SunEco+ and from 30,00 € for SunComfort

Domestic flights: Upgrade from 350,00 ₺ for SunEco+ or SunComfort

Book your upgrade now

1Route group 1: All international flights, except flights to/from Antalya, Bodrum, Dalaman
2Route group 2: International flights - to/from Antalya, Bodrum, Dalaman
3Route Group 2 and in selected areas on the aircraft only
4Prices per flight route (outbound or return flight), including connecting flights
5Prices per segment of a flight route with a connecting flight e.g.: FRA-ADB-AYT (Segment 1: FRA-ADB & Segment 2: ADB-AYT)
6The SunFlex option is not available for passengers whose flights have been booked by a Tour Operator.

✔  Included

 Not available