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Book flights at the best prices: flexibility included

You can’t wait to book your next flight with us, but want to stay flexible? We have just the right solutions for you!

With SunFlexyou can book your ticket to your favorite destination at the best prices without any hesitations. Best of all, if your plans change, you can use SunFlex to rebook easily and free of charge from 7 up to 3 days before your departure date depending on the SunFare of your choice! To find the most suitable offer for you, we encourage you to check out the table below.

And regardless of which SunFare you choose, we don’t skimp on options. With our Corona Care Guarantee2, you can cancel or rebook up to the day of departure. Simply add this to your booking.

Why wait any longer? Book your flight today.

More information about traveling during times of COVID-19, can be found here.

At SunExpress, we do everything we can to ensure your comfort.  You can find information regarding our available products and additional services for a carefree journey below:

Get an overview of our flexible offers!

SunFlex Corona Care Guarantee
Rebooking Possible ✔(1 Time) ✔(1 Time)
Rebooking Price Price Difference Only Option fee will be kept / Price Difference Only
Persons Allowed Passengers under the same booking number Passengers under the same booking number + 1st degree relatives
Rebooking Timeline SunEco: < 3 days to departure (Extra) SunClassic: < 7 days to departure (Included in the fare) SunPremium: < 3 days to departure (Included in the fare) Possible until flight date / proof of documents until 10 days after departure
Full refund in case of COVID
Full refund in case of other Diseases
Full refund in case of the announcement of a travel warning ✔(between DE and TR)
Persons Allowed Passengers under the same booking number Booking owner and 1st degree relatives
Medical Coverage
COVID Treatment Cost in Non-Risk countries
Other Medical Treatment Cost in Non-Risk countries
Risk countries

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1SunFlex: : only available for international flights. SunFlex is included in the SunClassic fare. SunFlex is also included in the SunPremium fare. A rebooking up to 7 days before departure is free of charge (+ price difference). If you select the SunEco fare, you can add SunFlex to your booking for 12,99 EUR.  A rebooking up to 15 days before departure is free of charge (+ price difference).
2Corona Care Guarantee: The following events are covered if they occur after the Corona Care has been purchased: Covid-19 infection & a new travel warning for flights operating between Germany and Turkey.